
Why Aren’t Most Women More Assertive?

Do you sometimes have trouble speaking up for yourself? Then listen in on this week’s episode of Woman Worriers as host Elizabeth Cush and Talia Bombola, known as The Confidence Coach, talk about how women can learn to be more assertive.

How Women Can Learn to Set Healthy Boundaries

If you feel guilty when you say “No,” this week’s episode of Woman Worriers is for you.  Host Elizabeth Cush interviews Nicole Liloia, a women’s empowerment coach who helps women learn to set healthy boundaries and speak up for what they want and need in their lives.


Sharon Martin, LCSW, on Co-dependence

Always focusing on others can add to your anxiety. In this episode of Woman Worriers, creator and host Elizabeth Cush and her guest, Sharon Martin, LCSW, talk about the relationship between codependence, people-pleasing, perfectionism and anxiety.